Monday, April 21, 2008

Still checking this blog? FYI, there's a new blog in town that's getting much better reviews (for spelling): . Tell your friends. This is important because my self-esteem is now being based on how many comments I get on my posts. I've now placed my emotional well-being in your hands (or 'hand' if you've recently been in a farming accident involving threshing equipment).

I'll keep this blog for a while just for nostalgia, and I like the picture. At last, a chance to share my lack of photogeneity with the world!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hehe "M&M's - Melt in your mouth, not in your hands, if you have any!" hehe...remember that book? Idiot Letters by Paul Rosa? Your post made me think of that book. Was that Chavis' class that we read that? Fun times. :o) (sorry this comment is a year late) ~Emily (Myrup)